Conference Location
De Nayer Instituut, Sint-Katelijne-Waver
Campus De Nayer is a part of "Lessius Hogeschool" an has an engineering and technical curriculum.

The Contributors Conference will take place in the building labeled K and the computer labs are in the A wing of the main building.
Full street address:
Jan Pieter De Nayerlaan 5
2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver
BE-2860 Belgium
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You can see the train station to the North-West of the campus, a 5 minute walk. The city busses stop at the end of the "Jan Pieter de Nayerlaan", 600 meters to the North of the campus.
To and From
To get to the campus from Mechelen (hostel Zandpoortvest and the hotels)
you can take the train from one of the 2 train stations and disembark at station Sint-Katelijne-Waver.
If you want to be more mobile, flexible and fit you can rent a bike.
People staying in hostel Roosendael should either rent a bike or come by car since there is no public transport between that hostel and the campus.